Sunday, June 12, 2011

Talking to Myself and Parties

Hello again! I don’t believe I have anyone to greet but if there is a lonely person out there who reads my blog then hello to you. I hope you are well and that yo find a life soon.

Now, I figure that it’s been a little while so I should probably post something. As I reached deep into my brain to find what I could possibly talk about I thought of something. How about I post about the party I went to the other day? It was fun and you wrote about it a little bit. It was poetic and nice so you could post it online. Someone might find it and like it. how about that Emma? Sounds good to me Emma. Oh, Emma you are too kind…

So after I talked with myself for another hour, had a small argument with myself, browsed the internet, then made up with myself I began to write. Ahh, all the things you can get done before breakfast!

It was one of those nights where everything was still. The air hung dead in the air and the dogs did not bark. Light from the fire reflected softly off the eyes of adults, many of whom were also lit up by the ends of cigarettes, lighting up as they took gentle drags. The night was young in their eyes, even though the hour might have been late they saw it as the beginning of the evening. Smiles were upon everyone’s face and the smell of bug spray, fire smoke, cigarettes and strawberry soda swirled around us.

Old games and toys were pulled out of the garage. The things that they had abandoned in there childhood into the dust and spiders of the shed were pulled out and played with. Small things that might have once seemed petty and stupid now made people laugh. Age had disappeared with the setting sun and good times were to be had.

The road was dark and the cars were fast but some decided to go for a walk anyway. The moon was not yet full but it cast enough light alongside the streetlamps to illuminate the way. As they walked in happy zigzags to the corner shop they were happy. One was happier then usual, she was usually consumed by so much darkness in her life that it made her smile to finally feel happy. It had been to long since she had smiled, they thought, and now was the perfect time for it.

The night wasn’t exciting by most standards, but it did bring everyone alive. Poems were spoken and stories were read. No one cared about the everyday struggles of life that they had to go through because now, tonight, they were happy. Drinking kool-aid and dragging on cigarettes. Smiling made all that they worked for worth it.

That’s how it was at the party. It was nice to finally be able to spend quality time with these people.

Speaking of quality time, if you have spent this much time reading through this then I congratulate you! Feel free to drop me an  email or comment or something. I love getting mail!

Well, as they say in France, adieu!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

First and Foremost, an Introduction is in Order

Hello! As the title says, I do believe an introduction is in order. To those of you who actually spent your valuable time even somehow finding me on my lonely little blog in the universes of cyberspace I give you congratulations! And welcome, please do have a seat and be prepared to listen to my ramblings, venting and otherwise public remissions.

Now the question is where to begin? As I’m sure you all know the answer is always chocolate! Or 42, depending on what kind of person you are. But not violence. Violence is never the answer, unless of course, the question is: what is never the answer.

Excuse me, I'm rambling. I do this, a lot actually. But then again, this is Writers Ramblings and Nostalgia.

Now, as I was saying, I believe I should begin with explaining who I am a little bit. I am a writer, I write novels, scripts, poetry, vignettes, creative non-fiction and anything else in between! And now I am a blogger too! Hooray! I also love psychology and anything that has to do with it. Personality quizzes and reading about body language are all ludicrously fascinating.

I must also say that I know many people who think I am insane, and I do agree with them. Insanity is a good thing, because those of us who are see things in a different and unusual light. But I will save you my insanity for a few more blog posts.

Let me see, if I could only bring three things to an island it would be my computer (which includes everything it needs to be powered and internet) a hammock, and a library.

I have decided not to openly post about my age. I know how old I am and I figure that you have some idea about how old I am too. From my work I think that you should be able to tell. I am however bloging under the name Emma. I’m neither confirming, nor denying that that is my real name.

If you want to know more about me then I have already shared with you then look at my profile. My goal is to post a blog at least twice a week but I am a procrastinator so that will depend.

Well as they say in Germany, Auf Wiedersehen!